LID Challenge

Here´s a little help if you are stuck with your topic. This weekend, take a stroll in the park, meet with people, browse the newspaper or a book, you might be surprised to find that things around you connect to your topic!

Go to the park: How many items can you find at a park that are related to your topic?

Collect ten unique questions that others have about your topic and share the answer with them if you can find them.

Browse the newspaper with a family member:  Look through newspapers or magazines to find an article related to your topic. It doesn´t have to be directly related, use your imagination, maybe it´s indirerctly related to it.

Search for any famous people involved with your topic. Follow up to get more information about one of them.

Search for a book: (At school, in your house, go to a public library) Find a factual book related to your topic. Record the following information: name of the book, who wrote it, and where you found it.

With a friend: Create a skit about your topic.

And if you´re by yourself, thinking, maybe a bit bored: Imagine if… your topic were a superhero: what would his or her superpower be? Write, draw, or tell someone what you imagine.

Spring is almost here! Get outside and find your topic!

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